“How do I start a discount card sale for my school or league?”
Check with us to see if a card already exists for your school district. If a card already exists, there will be no minimum order required. If it doesn’t, and a new card needs to be created, we will do all the work. This includes signing up the businesses, preparing sales literature, providing prize incentives, and producing the card. We will meet with you to discuss which merchants you would like to participate on the card, and through our many years of experience, we will create a card with a wide variety of popular local businesses. If a new card is created, there will be a minimum order required.
“How often can I use the Ultimate Discount Card™?”
The card works EVERY DAY for one full year at every business on the card. Yes, it can be used over and over at each business until the expiration date on the card.
“Do I pay for the discount cards in advance?”
No money is due up front. Terms will be arranged with non-profit organizations so that you will have time to sell the cards and raise the money before the payment is due.
“How much profit do we earn?”
Most groups earn between 40% and 60%. The profit percentage is based on how many cards your group sells.
“How do I start a candy/chocolate fundraiser?”
This is very simple. You let us know how many members you have. Each member usually starts off with one carrying case to sell. Terms will be arranged with non-profit organizations so that you will have time to see the candy and raise the money before the payment is due. There are never any hidden fees for shipping. We will deliver the product to you free of charge.
“How do I start a catalog or brochure fundraiser?”
We will meet with you to discuss your organization’s needs, and help you select a profitable program that will help you reach your fundraising goals.
“Do you have any other types of fundraisers?”
We currently have over 20 different types of fundraisers to choose from. We are constantly searching the market for new and innovative products to offer our customers. Please ask us what is new and exciting!